
Life isn’t easy when someone is absent forever who were very close to you, your comfort, your routine speaking companion, your strength and the reason of being YOU!.

Life will never be the same when you return home to spend your HOLIDAYS!

And life would not give a second chance to see them AGAIN!

No matter how busy you try to be or deny the reality, a moment when the lights goes off and world is at peace you get the memories of the people whom you can never meet in your life again. Though a day passes into weeks, weeks into months and months into years, you can’t forget what happened on that “Bad Day”. You can’t let go the memory of that fateful day!

Acceptance of the people whom you look forward everyday in your pains and gains that they are no more around you to rejoice the moment when you’re in joy or hold you when you fall makes one very vulnerable and painful. A lonely self will be created within oneself when you lose someone and the replacement will never be found till your last sunset.

Always being surrounded by two most important people in my life; never in a day of my existence I thought that a day would arrive when I have to live alone without hearing their voices and seeing them when I return to my home. These two people have been there for me from the moment I opened my eyes in this world and all my life, I could share everything without being judged. I was a child in their eyes all through and never a grown soul. I would be pampered and loved unconditionally all through. Wonder….now whom I look forward too! Who would I be with when I want to be a child again! Who would wait for me near the doorsteps when I return from my tiresome work travels! Who would I share my fears and boost my achievements! Who would be proud of Me like the way they were!

Life and death is not in our hands and we are never prepared for that anyday. All who are born should say good bye someday. But if you never get a chance to say goodbye to the people who matters most, it always hurts. It always lingers in our mind that we could have said something nice before they left us. But if the death is unexpected, there is nothing painful to bear in life. Conscious always says that they are still with us when the subconscious knows the truth. You can deceive the human conscious but not the sub conscious. You can deny the reality but you can’t look forward for their arrival. Everything shatters and everything looks dismay.

This is life where one has to say good bye to the other and one day we say good bye to others. We can’t change the creation. But living the life between the gaps of saying two good byes will be difficult. Acceptance of reality is difficult. Change in mindset is difficult. Years may pass you, but it’s very difficult to accept someone will never be there anymore. You can’t never hold them or see their face again will always scare you somewhere deep inside a corner of your mind. Accepting that they will never come back into your life will always be disappointing thought through ones last sunset.

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